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About Us
Life Changing Stories are the result of working with the Phone Homes team.
Matthew Scerri:
Business Owner & Property Investor
Sydney NSW.
About this video:
Matthew Scerri runs a full-time dance studio business based in Sydney and just simply has no time to find investment properties. Matt explains his experience working with the Phone Homes team in securing his third investment property and the main reasons why he loves the service.
Bill & Ying Greig:
Adelaide, SA.
About this video:
Bill & Ying had 3 original investment properties before they engaged our service and had mixed experiences when they purchased them! Their experience with our Phone Homes property service though was flawless and they speak highly about how positive their experience was in comparison to other properties they have previously bought. Worth the watch if you’re a potential client sitting on the fence!
Gary Chiorsi:
Migrant from South Africa
Adelaide, SA.
About this video:
Gary Chiorsi came from South Africa and since he arrived he’s worked with the Phone Homes team in creating a budget and plan. Gary refinanced his debts to be prepped for his eventual investment property and through the refinance alone he saved around $4,000 a year and will use the extra cash flow to pay off his mortgage twice as quickly.
The Vitukawala’s: Brisbane, QLD.:
Full-time Factory Workers
Brisbane, QLD.
About this video:
One of our best success stories, the Vitukawala’s have been trying to get an investment property for over 19 years and their dream finally became a reality by working with the Phone homes team securing their first investment property! A great story so watch and enjoy!
Brett & Rebecca Harvey:
Full-time Builder
Newcastle, NSW.
About this video:
Samira Boyce:
Full-Time Nurse
Central Coast, NSW.
About this video:
Samira is a full-time nurse and simply had no time or the experience required to buy an investment property. Samira took the leap of faith and signed up with the Phone Homes service and has now successfully secured a positively-geared investment property that is now providing her with an additional income each week and annual tax breaks for her hard-earned annual income.
Glenn & Julie Bellingham: Melbourne, VIC.:
Self Employed & Volunteers
Melbourne, VIC.
About this video:
Robert & Julie Callow:
Full-time Fightfighter & Full-time Nurse
Sydney, NSW.
About this video:
Robert & Julie are a story of full-time (+overtime) workers that simply just didn’t have the time to find an investment property so they engaged with our property investment service. They have now successfully secured their next one with the Phone Homes team and the property is positively-geared and they couldn’t be happier! A great video that showcases a super skeptical beginning to now highly-trusted clients (& friends) of Phone Homes!
Ryan & Tracey Patterson:
Full-time IT Consultant & Full-time Teacher
Sydney, NSW.
Ryan & Tracey are yet another story of working full-time and not having enough time to find a positively-geared investment property. Living in Sydney they were searching for an investment property in South-East Queensland. Our property acquisition team eventually found them a perfect positively-geared property on the Sunshine Coast! Watch this interview now to see a real glimpse into the Phone Homes experience and working closely with our team!
Client Reviews
Over 100+ Authentic 5-Star Client Reviews.